Fiscal sponsorship has evolved as an effective and efficient mode of seeding social movements, and delivering public services.
Fiscal sponsorship generally entails a nonprofit organization (the “fiscal sponsor”) agreeing to provide administrative services and oversight to, and assume some or all of the legal and financial responsibility for, the activities of groups or individuals engaged in work that relates to the fiscal sponsor’s mission.
Fiscal sponsors are tax-exempt, charitable ventures that, according to a recent IRS report “have the ability to receive charitable contributions for specific projects, the infrastructure to ensure compliance with applicable federal and state laws and adequate internal controls to ensure that the funds will be used for the intended charitable purposes.” Simply stated, fiscal sponsors place responsibility for implementing programs in the hands of project leaders while ensuring appropriate fiduciary oversight.
Fiscal sponsors assess an administrative fee based on a percentage of a project’s revenue or expenses. These fees can range based on the services that are provided and the complexity of grants to be administered.
Each application is assessed individually.
Please use this link to introduce your project, the people involved and at what stage you are in the production process.
Confidentiality agreement:
The Evoke Foundation dose not publicize or promote any individual or organization that has received funding or support in anyway.